Raikes School Core Values

The Raikes School

Core Values

Intellectually Curious

We Are Intellectually Curious

Learning extends beyond what’s in the textbook and on the exam. Find the boundaries of knowledge and push them further. Be willing to explore new ideas. Ask questions. #innovate


We Lead with Humility

Check your ego and be a team player. Cultivate connections by understanding the impact of your words and actions. Commit to patience, empathy, inclusivity, and mutual trust.


We Express Gratitude

To whom much is given, much is expected. Show appreciation for the people, experiences, opportunities, friendships, prestige, and diversity of ideas this community provides. Be quick to acknowledge others for their contributions.


We Strive for Excellence

Our community is full of remarkably smart people who are driven and motivated to aim high, work hard, and achieve our goals. Take pride in your work and never sacrifice quality or integrity.


We Hold Each Other Accountable

Accountability is about closing a communication gap; it’s not about calling someone out or embarrassing them. Want what’s best for each other. Be a team player, follow through on your commitments, and encourage others to do the same.


We Build Resilience

Failure happens. Learn from it. Embrace change, aim to adapt, and have the courage and positivity to continue.

Raikes School

We Are the Raikes School

The Raikes School is strong because of our community: students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. Represent the Raikes School wherever you go. Be proud of who you are, where you come from, and where you’re going.

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